
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition CD Disk version


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[106美國直購] CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition CD Disk version


[106美國直購] CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition CD Disk version



CorelDraw 2017 - Vector illustration and page layout

Corel PHOTO-PAINT 2017 - Image editing

Corel Font Manager 2017 - Font exploration and management tool

Corel Website Creator - Website design

Corel CAPTURE 2017 - Screen capture tool

Product description

Our best just got better - CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition is our latest and most innovative product for the classroom! Get all of the user-friendly tools found in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8, plus so much more. With advancements in Corel's technologies, you can craft and personalize any school project and deliver five-star results in record time. Skip sketching and scanning from paper, and go right to our amazing new LiveSketch tool to capture your ideas the instant that creativity strikes. Our suite comes with cutting-edge features to help you create beautiful designs, graphics, photos, and websites with both ease and confidence. It's a fresh and must-have version for any type of creative classroom assignment.

Product details

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.3 x 7.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces

ASIN: B06XT2C595

Item model number: CDGS2017MLDPA

[106美國直購] CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition CD Disk version

相關 [106美國直購] CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition CD Disk version


餐桌上的氣候變遷正是進行式,每個人都可以發揮自己力量,減緩氣候與糧食危機;專家及民間團體表示,適時適吃是最簡單的方法,改變全民消費觀念、深化食農教育,以實際的消費行動支持友善土地、在地農業,是最直接的力量。近年愈來愈多市集、餐廳或飯店投入協助在地農民。泰雅族青年羅信?堯衛前年底在新竹尖石鄉開了餐廳「綠木頭」,使用的都是部落小農種植的當季食材,不僅幫助部落小農產銷,也讓消費者更認識在地生長的作物。花蓮農改場去年也與花蓮縣觀光旅館商業同業公會合推「產地餐桌」計畫,帶廚師到部落找食材,做出苦茶雞、丹參羊肉爐、紅糯米豆沙捲,也帶動八家飯店共推產地旅遊。 傳承部落族人智慧、保種留種的達卡努瓦女人田,則是花了近四年建造「願景窯」,將桑椹等作物製作成土司,開起「深山裡的麵包店」,透過網購銷售給更多民眾。達卡努瓦工作站站長阿布娪也計畫擴大烘焙空間、開發更多麵包種類,並藉此鼓勵更多部落小農,種植傳統作物也有商業可能性。根據聯合國糧農組織統計,全世界約有五分之一的溫室氣體來自農業系統,前年巴黎氣候峰會提出「千分之四倡議」,指出土壤的重要性不只在於能生產出足夠的糧食,若每年提高土壤中碳含量千分之四,就能降低大氣中的二氧化碳,有效減緩氣溫上升。台大名譽教授郭華仁表示,友善、有機農業不但可以減少溫室氣體釋放,還能將空氣中的二氧化碳有效固定在土壤。消費者能扮演的角色,就是以行動支持以有機、友善耕作方式生產的農產品,才會有更多農民願意投入。不只政府要調整政策,大眾消費力與飲食力也得跟著轉型,減緩氣候危機並進行調適。花蓮春日國小的食農教育,讓保種往下紮根。記者董俞佳/攝影 分享 facebook [106美國直購] CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017 Education Edition CD Disk version


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