
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices


Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices WIN / MAC / iOS / Android

Protect your family in today's digital world with this complete parental control solution designed for today's busy, web-savvy parents

Whether your kids use the family computer, personal laptop, tablet, or mobile phone, you'll see the apps your kids use, the searches they conduct, the social sites they visit, and the people they hang out with online

Keep all users and devices in your family secure and safe from harm. Manage and monitor device usage, applications, Internet access, and set access rules and schedules

This Premium Edition offers all-in-one protection for 3 Users and 3 Devices. It's universal - works on Windows, MAC, iOS, and Android.

Protect your family in today's digital world. Internet safety is made simple with this complete parental control solution designed for today's busy, web-savvy parents. Whether your kids use the family computer, personal laptop, tablet, or mobile phone, Qustodio sets healthy limits, blocks questionable sites, and keeps kids safe.

Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.5 x 7.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces


Item model number: UI-00564

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices


福添福嘉南鷹隊奪下2017年企業女子壘球聯賽年度總冠軍。 圖/企聯女壘提供 分享 facebook 二○一七年企業女子壘球聯賽,昨天移師台中萬壽棒球場進行,福添福嘉南鷹隊儘管輸掉第六戰讓出「聽牌」優勢,但決勝第七戰靠邱安汝六局好投以及朱思琪兩分砲,三比一擊敗凱撒勇士隊,系列賽四勝三敗完成衛冕。嘉南鷹在七戰四勝制的總冠軍賽先取得三勝兩敗,但前天單日兩勝的日籍投手近藤光,第六戰延長賽第八局失守,凱撒勇士翁琬茹、陳家宜適時安打送回四分,以七比三搶下第三勝,將戰局扳平。第七戰殊死戰,嘉南鷹推邱安汝先發,前六局無失分,其中隊友在第四局策動精采的「三殺守備」,瓦解凱撒勇士大好攻勢。而朱思琪在二局下揮出兩分全壘打,第三局再多添一分,奠定勝基。嘉南鷹在企業女子壘球聯賽締造二連霸,總教練曾信彰表示:「今年從例行賽一直闖到總冠軍賽,大家都十分努力,無論在打線的調整或守備陣容的搭配上,都在水準之上,才能順利衛冕。」日籍投手近藤光系列賽出賽六場拿下三勝,成為總冠軍賽MVP,她說:「來台灣我學到很多,也很佩服隊友在較低的好球帶中還展現精采的打擊表現。」她也向隊友們告白,「最喜歡大家了!」 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Qustodio: The Complete Parental Control Solution - 3 Users / 3 Devices


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